Be! and the Doing will flow from your Being.

When you are in the present moment, what do you notice? How is your mind, body and spirit? In Polish, my mother tongue, this trio in a slightly different order, forms a beautiful abbreviation CUD (ciało-body, umysł-mind, dusza-spirit) which means a Miracle. I believe that human being is a miracle with all amazing and terrifying parts of our whole existence. Being a coach, I support my clients, courageous people who go through major changes in their life, to open and connect to their inner wisdom via those 3 dimensions. Often, the mind takes over and it is difficult to listen to the other parts of our being. Going through a coaching process myself, I discover how I am being and what I am doing to create my life in full resonance of the magic trio. I am grateful to Michelle Kempton, an amazing Co-Active Coach, for the insight on staying more connected to my “Being”.  

During my coaching practice I have realised how much we can benefit by simply asking the powerful questions and being in the present moment. I have created the 7 self-awareness cards: Change, Wisdom, Potential, Values, Journey, Energy, Possibilities to help people in the self-exploration process in a playful way.

You don’t need to push for the immediate answers, just stay and be with the question, almost like in the meditation of the inquiry that goes deep and penetrates your human experience. The answers will pop up in the right time. The situations, people, signs from the world around will start to manifest because you tap into your deep inner wisdom and tune in to your natural creativity and resources. It can take 7 days, weeks, months, or years, so yes, it may require a high level of patience until the answers unfold. It may be also a glimpse of 7 seconds, minutes, or hours that will take you to see the spark of the energy and aliveness kicking in.

That’s when the transformation of yourself and of your life happens. Some questions may stay without clear reply and that is fine as well. It will all evolve and continuously change and adjust as your body, mind and spirit will dance, sometimes in completely different directions and sometimes in an amazing syntony. The more curious you stay, without judging what comes to you, the more aha moments will arrive.  

Enjoy exploring and rising your self-awareness by listening to your Miracle (CUD)!